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TAP2500有源探头| TAP2500的详细资料:
有源探头| TAP2500
产品说明:有源探头| TAP2500
Features & Benefits
- Outstanding Electrical Performance
- High Probe Bandwidth
- Fast Probe Rise Time
- Excellent Signal Fidelity
- ≤0.8 pF Input Capacitance
- 40 k? Input Resistance
- –4 V to +4 V Input Dynamic Range
- –10 V to +10 VDC Input Offset Range
- ±30 V (DC + peak AC) Max Input Voltage (Nondestruct)
- Versatile Mechanical Performance
- Small Compact Probe Head for Probing Small Geometry Circuit Elements
- DUT Attachment Accessories Enable Connection to SMDs as Small as 0.5 mm Pitch
- Robust Design for Reliability
- Easy-to-Use
- Connects Directly to Oscilloscopes with the TekVPI™ Probe Interface
- Provides Automatic Units Scaling and Readout on the Oscilloscopes Display
- Easy Access to Oscilloscope Probe Menu Display for Probe Status/Diagnostic Information and to Control Probe DC Offset
- Remote GPIB/USB Probe Control through the Oscilloscope
- Verification, Debug, and Characterization of High-speed Designs
- Signal Integrity, Jitter, and Timing Analysis
- Manufacturing Engineering and Test
- Signals with Voltage Swings up to 8 Vpk-pk
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